Reporting harassment at work

#MeToo has shown how attitudes can change when problems are brought to the surface. The board of directors of a company has an important role in ensuring the existence of sound values in its business, but its responsibility does not end there. It is important to provide credible channels for anonymous dialogue with employees and to understand the underlying causes of cultures of silence.

The board and management have good opportunities to ensure that important information continues to come in, quickly and safely, in order to be able to obtain details and act in cases of harassment, such as sexual harassment and discrimination.

Many whistleblowers state that they have difficulty moving forward in their careers, despite doing good deeds for the company and for society. Fitting into the group and fear of reprisals leads to a culture of silence in many companies. This is understandable but does not benefit the business.

The tools are available, and a safe and effective channel that can be used to highlight and have an anonymous dialogue about misconduct can quickly be established. A growing number of companies is starting to see anonymous whistleblowing as a key issue. But there are also many boards that still do not have it on their agenda.

Improved legislation regarding whistleblower protection gives boards an additional incentive to offer internal communication channels for addressing irregularities. Directors also need to ensure that such matters are properly and effectively investigated, as employee confidence in the handling of such cases is a key issue.

WhistleB offers a next generation whistleblowing service, a third-party solution that enables a whistleblower to report a suspicion of misconduct in a secure way. Our customers include global and regional companies in various sectors as well as investors, public authorities and associations. We have a market coverage of 100+ markets on all continents.

WhistleB´s key contribution to its customers is to prevent and reduce the risk of wrongdoings. The scope of whistleblowing covers for example bribery and corruption, improprieties concerning accounting, health and safety issues, discrimination and environmental crimes. The purpose of the whistleblowing service is to encourage individuals to blow the whistle on suspected misconduct without any risk of retaliation.

Please see our leaflet for more information: WhistleB English leaflet

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