Webinars featuring Whistleblowing systems in Poland
What will the EU whistleblower protection directive mean for organisations in Poland? This is a topic that is rapidly rising to the top of the agenda for the legal and compliance community in the country. As an active whistleblower system provider in Poland, WhistleB has been invited to speak at the following two events that you are welcome to join.
1. Webinar: How to effectively implement a whistleblowing system
Hosted by: BKB Baran Książek Bigaj Law Firm, with the participation of WhistleB
Date: 16 December 2020
This free webinar will take place in Polish and address the following topics:
- Whistleblowing – why should you implement it now?
- Steps for implementing a whistleblowing system
- Key elements of a whistleblowing system
- Who should be involved in implementing whistleblowing, and why?
- What could go wrong? What to look out for
- Practical examples, real cases
- Revision of the EU Directive on whistleblower protection
- Comparison with the Polish legal framework
- Practical implications of the Directive and international best practices
For more information in Polish, please go to: https://www.linkedin.com/events/jakskuteczniewdro-y-systemzg-as6739095904139190272/. If you have questions, feel free to contact Jan Tadeusz Stappers LL.M., lawyer and senior manager at WhistleB, who will participate in the webinar.
2. 6th Compliance Officer Forum – Online
Hosted by: PULS Biznesu and Chmielniak Law Firm
Date: 23-24 February 2021
This two-day annual event for Compliance officers and related positions is held in Polish and will be online in 2021. The conference covers a range of areas but this year it has a full-day focus on the hot topic of whistleblowing in Poland. The programme includes:
- What obligations does the new Whistleblower Directive introduce for organisations?
- Protecting whistleblowers around the world – legal and practical solutions
- How do I deploy anonymous reporting channels in my organization?
- Technical solutions for reporting channels
- Whistleblower protection in your organisation’s compliance management system
- Practical examples of implementations
Jan Tadeusz Stappers LL.M., lawyer and senior manager at WhistleB, will participate in a discussion panel entitled: How to effectively implement anonymous reporting channels
For more information go to: https://www.pb.pl/konferencje/vi-forum-compliance-officer-561bf2bd-502c-4247-bab7-3917eee5925a