Whistleblowing builds trust according to new WhisleB’s fourth annual customer survey

April 11, 2019

An increased number of whistleblowing reports received, organisations opening up their whistleblowing system to external stakeholders and the whistleblowing hotline seen as a key tool for building trust. These are some of the key findings from WhisleB’s fourth annual customer survey on whistleblowing, released today.

“Some 50% of the responses stated that building trust was the main benefit of having a whistleblowing system in place. While the key purpose of such a system is to enable companies to detect and act on misconduct before it causes too much financial and reputational damage, the survey indicates clearly that whistleblowing has become an important part of the ethics toolkit,” says Karin Henriksson Founder and Partner at WhistleB, Whistleblowing Centre.

WhistleB attributes the increasing number of reports being received by customers primarily to the generally more positive attitudes towards whistleblowers emerging during the last 18 months or so. Media depiction of whistleblowers, more laws requiring organisations to have whistleblowing systems in place and laws protecting the rights of whistleblowers are all likely contributing factors to this shift in attitudes. One example is the recent announcement from the European Commission regarding an agreement on new rules that will protect whistleblowers who report breaches of EU law.

“Whistleblowing is unique in that it gives everybody the possibility to have a voice. However, if people don’t trust the system, if they can’t report anonymously and if their rights aren’t protected, they won’t dare to report the sensitive information that companies need. This is why our system has the very strictest level of data security technology embedded in it. It’s a pre-requisite for trustworthiness and something our customers clearly appreciate, says Karin Henriksson.

Download a copy of the WhistleB’s fourth annual customer survey on organisational whistleblowing here or watch webinar here


Karin Henriksson, Founder and Partner at WhistleB
+46 70 444 32 16, karin.henriksson@whistleb.com


About WhistleB

WhistleB provides whistleblowing services to companies, government agencies and organisations. We work globally and we have customers in more than 150 countries. Our head office is in Stockholm. We help our clients reduce risk and enhance results through ethical business and leading-edge whistleblowing services.

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