Preparing whistleblowing systems for the EU whistleblower law

October 20, 2020

Preparing whistleblowing systems for the EU whistleblower law 

With just 60 weeks until the latest compliance date for some organisations, more leaders have realised that it’s time to start preparing whistleblowing systems for the EU whistleblower law. 

On a regular basis, WhistleB is being invited by partners, customers and other associations to speak about the new law and how organisations can start preparing today. Recently we teamed up with one of our partners in Sweden, Grant Thornton, when WhistleB’s co-founder Karin Henriksson spoke at their seminar. She gave customers an overview of the new law, implications on organisational whistleblowing systems and how the functionality of the WhistleB whistleblowing system helps organisations comply.

We are pleased to share this link to a film of the seminar. Watch Karin show how the whistleblower system allows the whistleblower to report anonymously, and supports the organisation in handling the report systematically and securely.

We hope it will be of help to those of you who are also now preparing your whistleblowing system for the EU whistleblower protection law.

For more information, contact:

Karin Henriksson, Director, WhistleB Whistleblowing Centre 

+46 70 444 32 16

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