Customer Study on Organisational Whistleblowing, 2017

Organisational whistleblowing is a global mega trend. It can be defined as enabling employees, suppliers, and in some cases even the general public, to raise a concern when they see something that they think is not right. It allows organisations to prevent wrongdoings occurring in the first place by providing a way for people to report on suspected misconduct, anonymously or not. Whistleblowing demonstrates an organisation’s dedication to high ethical standards. Increasingly, it is a tool that many organisations are obliged to have in place in order to comply with law, for example in France with the French anti-corruption law, Sapin 2.
The most striking result of the 2017 Customer study is that more and more, organisations consider having a whistleblowing service in place as “business as usual”, or as one respondent expressed it:

“Whistleblowing is a hygiene factor for us.”