Webinar: Our very best advice for setting up a successful whistleblowing system

5. Februar, 2019

Watch the recording of the webinar: Our best advice for setting up a successful whistleblowing system whenever it suites you best.

When it comes to whistleblowing, the most important factor is to build trust in the whistleblowing system and in the process of handling cases. But how is that done? During this webinar, we address the seven most frequent questions we receive about organisational whistleblowing . We will also share our experience on how to set up a successful whistleblowing system.

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“Every day we discuss important questions on how to ensure the efficiency of the whistleblowing system, and these are the questions that often come up: Do we need an external whistleblowing provider? What if we get irrelevant reports? Why should the whistleblower be anonymous?” Gunilla Hadders, Founding Partner, WhistleB

This webinar covers the following questions:

  • Why should I use an external whistleblowing provider?
  • Will we receive irrelevant cases through a whistleblowing service, thus wasting our time?
  • How many whistleblowing reports should we expect?
  • How can we ensure that reports reach the right people?
  • What should we report back to a whistleblower?
  • How do we make the service available?
  • How can we protect whistleblowing data?


How can I ensure that the reports really reaches the right person?

Think very carefully through how whistleblower reports should be received, investigated – and above all by whom. We advise customers to appoint an internal team that creates trust and ensures cases are dealt with in a secure way. The team should preferably include non-operational individuals, such as members of the Board and internal audit. We see managers from a range of functions, often compliance, HR, sustainability and internal audit represented on the whistleblowing teams at our customers. Ensure your team does not come from one single part of the organisation, but that it is spread across managers from a range of functions.

The whistleblowing system itself should also support rigorous and correct case management. For example, through your case log it should be impossible to delete a case without notifying team members.

Finally don’t forget to be transparent. Tell your employees and other stakeholders about how reports are managed. Make sure follow-up is transparent and that you communicate your results to the Board through regular reports on whistleblowing.

You can find more information in the blog post on the same subject: Top tips on whistleblowing – Our very best advice for a trusted and efficient whistleblowing system

Please feel free to contact us to learn more about how we can assist you on organisational whistleblowing. We are happy to share what we have learnt from years of supporting customers on whistleblowing around the globe.

Organisational whistleblowing enables employees and potentially external stakeholders to report alleged wrongdoing. Establishment of a whistleblowing system allows organisations to prevent wrongdoings occurring, thus reducing reputational and financial risks.

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